Sunday, November 10, 2013

Tell Your Own Story

If you are to achieve the dreams and visions you have for oneself, there will be many obstacles and roadblocks that come a long the way. Within that journey you will have a chance to tell your own story. If you aren't able to tell your own story it likely means you haven't tested yourself and gone through hardships in your life. It's when you emerge from that hardship that brings a deeper meaning to who you are, gives you confidence as a person and pushes you closer to your dream. I didn't realize I had a story to tell until I had to overcome major life issues to keep on pursuing my dreams.

I've learned that you can't rely solely on yourself to reach your goals. There will be people that you need and will want to help you along your journey. Those are the people that become the most important to you. For the longest time I relied to heavily on myself to overcome personal difficulties. I got to the point where my only choice was to seek help from other individuals. Once I started to seek help and wasn't afraid to reach out to others everything changed for me. It was strong will and determination to want to be better and the potential I knew I had as a person to reach out to others. Once I started to reach out everything didn't seem so bad as I had made it out to been. Things can turn around quickly for you if you share your experiences with others weather it be personal issues your having, roadblocks, or the lack of support. The more you seek help, the more others want to see you succeed. You need that will within you to accomplish great things.

Once I sought help, was supported by peers with the decisions I had made, I started to gain strong empowerment within myself. The determination I had previously to overcome difficulties even when my dreams didn't seem achievable, has now been installed within in me. Overcoming barriers brings new light and confidence to you as a person and makes your dreams so much more realistic. First you must have the dream and then you must pursue it with persistence. I'm beginning to see that persistence and determination will bring you a long way in life. The more you believe in yourself, the more others will begin to believe in you. They see how you carry yourself and the ability you have within yourself. They want you to succeed and will support you a long the way. However if you're not able to have that larger picture and dream, you will never be able to see what you are truly capable of.

I have been very lucky, things that seemed so unattainable have become more attainable with every passing month. Things will begin to fall into place based on how hard you try and how much persistence you have to reach your goal. When things start to turn for the better you begin to realize just how thankful you are and how lucky one single person can be. However luck just doesn't happen. If you work with a determined mind set, the luck will find you. So grateful to live the life i do!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Leadership Feedback

To provide appropriate feedback on my leadership qualities I asked peers who knew me very well but would provide honest feedback. The feedback I got was both constructive and real. I asked one of my peers within my fraternity because he had seen me grown as a leader and I knew he would provide honest feedback without being biased. The feed back I got, I took in and listened with an open mind.

The first thing that he mentioned I could do better was lead by example. He said this was important because other people will notice and start to follow. I thought I did a pretty good job of it, but he pointed to examples such as attending events your in charge of for the duration of the time which will make other people see want to help out as much as possible. This could really get people to follow. I believe this was good feedback because it will help me improve as a leader in a sense that I will be more committed to my position. 

Another quality he stated that I could improve on was voicing my opinion. He stated that I had good things to say, but I often held back on them. If I could improve on my public speaking skills people would have a better understanding of who I was and what my values may be. I agreed with him on this because I believe I do have good things to say except I second guess myself sometimes when it comes to speaking up. Overall I thought this really helped me. Going into the conversation with an open mind helped let me take in his opinions and listen intently. 

Monday, October 28, 2013

Create The Future

It seems more often than not that we often settle for a job we may not really want. While the job may be satisfying, its not are true passion. Why do we settle for these jobs? Maybe we are pushed by are parents to have a certain career or we see other people who come before us and aspire to be like them. Whatever it may be, it has become a norm for society. I'm not the type of person to settle for anything less. I want to do whatever I desire to do because I know that will being the most pride into my life. I think, observe and listen a lot. From what I see people are often in the wrong careers, they don't aspire to do something there passionate about and to me there is a lot wrong with that. I don't blame the individual for that, I blame our society for creating that. Everyone should have there own dreams, and go after that dream. For me I want to create a better society, a society where people find common passions and are able to bond over them, I wan't to be a social entrepreneur.

There's no secret that social media has had a huge impact on our world. Weather it be Facebook, instagram, twitter, or vine. We all get pleasure by connecting through these websites. What is it that we like so much about these sites. Is it the fact that we are able to connect with just about anyone, or keep a close eye on our family and friends, or mane if just offers a get away for individuals. It offers a new perspective on things and it's all sitting right at your finger tips. The social media world has a lot of potential and it's still relatively new. It has already revolutionized the way we communicate and connect with people and I personally believe its only the beginning. We all have the power to create and creating is a beautiful thing. To take an idea and make it into something bigger than yourself, to move that idea forward for the common good of society. To see individuals prosper and find there passion on this planet. Social media already has a huge impact on our world and it will continue to do so.

I would love to create a social media site that revolutionizes the way we communicate just how Facebook did. A lot of people don't see the potential in themselves when all they have to do is follow a dream they are passionate about. Thats what I want to create. Something that allows individuals to connect and collaborate with others on what they are truly passionate about. They are able to enter a network where they can collaborate on an individual project or bounce ideas off one another to create something that has the potential to change the world. It's a new way to connect with people, with an emphasis on how we go about business. A much more down to earth version where we are able to connect with anyone all over the network. Through this site individuals will be able to see what other projects people have collaborated on and what it took to get there. Such as what positions were held within the project. What were focus areas and what areas were difficult to advance forward.

We often hold too much information from one another. However information, knowledge and learning is power. If a site can provide continuous amounts of information while at the same time allowing one another to connect with each other it has the potential to change and revolutionize our world. Not only that it will give people the ability to find something they are truly passionate about.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

An Ethical Delimma

The Dilemma: Aaron Craft is in your psychology class and has befriended you. The final four is coming up and he will not be able to attend class. He is extremely stressed about the midterm that is coming up and has asked if you could help him cheat. You do not want to lose his friendship but at the same time you don't want him to be stressed. After the exam the teacher approaches you and asks if Aaron cheated on the test. What do you do?

Truth vs Loyalty: Are you going to be honest to the professor or loyal to Aaron Craft. My group and I said we'd be loyal to Aaron Craft because we understand where students come from. We know that school can be very challenging and not all of us have time to complete all necessary material. Especially in this situation with Aaron being in the final your there is extra pressure on him to perform on the court.

Individual vs. Community: Are we more worried about our academic career or are we worried about Ohio State as whole? Academics always come first at Ohio State thus we need to take this very seriously. However we also love our university and would go to great lengths to see this university succeed. Personally if it came down to possibly being on probation or suspended university, I would tell the truth about Aaron Craft. All though Aaron does represent us very well, I need to first be concerned about my academic standing.

overall there are certain things that I would assist with Arron with first to make sure he can lead our team to the final four but if my academic career is in jeopardy I'd consider myself before I'd consider Aaron.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Group Project - Cool Runnings

For our dynamic group we looked at the movie Cool Runnings. Cool Runnings had very interesting dynamics because of the unique personalities and individual goals for each person. Although each person has a different purpose by the middle of the movie they are able to find common ground and realize the bigger purpose, which is to be well respected by their home country and competition. Since they don't all strive towards a similar purpose there forming stage is very rocky.

The storming stage is a big issue because of conflict amongst individual group members specifically between Yul and Junior. They both come from different back rounds and have complete different purposes. Yul will do anything to get out of Jamaica while Junior is fighting for himself and what he believes is right and because of this they often clash. Darius is the initiator and a determined leader. His strong focus allows him to hold the group together and realize what the common goal should be. As the movie progresses the individual group members are able to get over their egos and strive to reach the overall purpose.

Sanka's light hearted personality acts as the glue to make all members come together. Once they are able to fight for each other and believe in one another, this pushes them forwarded towards accomplishing their goal. The individual characteristics of each member are what makes them a dynamic and successful group. If they were all similar they would not be able to succeed in reaching the olympics, but because of there uniqueness they make themselves, their country, and rest of the competition proud

Monday, September 23, 2013

Myers Briggs and true colors

To me the Myers's briggs test is very useful and important. Understanding yourself is a very important attribute to have because it shows what your strengths and weakness are. By coming to a realization on this it allows you to grow as a person and a leader. It allows insight into yourself which can help you in a variety of ways weather it is dealing with people, learning new material or how you function in a team. By knowing my personality, INFP, it gives me in depth knowledge about my behavioral patterns such as my ability to be a mediator in conflict situations and my strong attributes to deal with people. This allows me to plays to these strengths and to develop into a person into the best of my ability.

The true colors test is also a very valuable asset. My true color indicator showed that I was an initiator. This is very important because it shows what my values are. By being an initiator my strength is skillfulness. I like to be skillful in a number of areas and prefer a hands-on approach to problem solving. The characters that make up the initiator were not surprising to me such as adventurous, spontaneous, risky, and charm. However I was a little caught off guard with the other people who were also initiators. I felt as if most of them were extroverted while I'm introverted. I do tend to see this as a positive because the uniqueness of my skill. The true colors test is very beneficial as it will allow me to play better to my strengths as a person.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Personal Statement

Think about your gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, special abilities or disabilities, age, social economic status, religion, birth order, and any other possible influences that come to mind. How have these factors influenced your personality and learning preferences?

Many of these issues influence who I am as a person weather it be my personality or learning preferences. Being a white male with a higher than average social economic status, I've been given opportunities that others wouldn't be able to afford. This has allowed me to realize that I'm very fortunate, while others may have to work harder to obtain a certain well-being of happiness, I've often been given a free pass. I believe this has a direct effect on my personality. It allows me to be grateful for what I have and the opportunities I'm capable of obtaining. Since I'm able to see this it allows me to put myself in others shoes who may not be as fortunate as I am.

It also gives me better opportunities to learn. I'm able to obtain higher education and surround myself with people who want to learn just as much as I. Since I have a well to do back rounds in gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and economic status, I tend to lean to a learning preference that is tailored to those back rounds. Since I'm given this opportunities, it puts myself in learning situation others are not capable of achieving.

Write your own personal Mission Statement. What is your purpose in life? What values are important to you? What do you want to be? What attributes and capabilities are important to you?

I want to make the people around me better. Leadership is very important to me, and I evaluate how effective my leaderships seeing others grow as a person. I have deep care for the people I'm surrounded by and those people make me who I am. I can only be an effective leader if I have the talent around me. If I don't have the necessary talent then I can't be an effective leader. It is very important for me to be honest, trustworthy, a listener, and a collaborative team player. I believe if we can all establish this values, we can lead our generation into a better world. I want to be a social entrepreneur. I don't want to be it because it's going to benefit myself but because it will benefit all other walks of life. An idea can be very powerful, and I hope to put my ideas into actions in leading a better future. By realizing your purpose you can leave the world better than you found it.