Monday, November 4, 2013

Leadership Feedback

To provide appropriate feedback on my leadership qualities I asked peers who knew me very well but would provide honest feedback. The feedback I got was both constructive and real. I asked one of my peers within my fraternity because he had seen me grown as a leader and I knew he would provide honest feedback without being biased. The feed back I got, I took in and listened with an open mind.

The first thing that he mentioned I could do better was lead by example. He said this was important because other people will notice and start to follow. I thought I did a pretty good job of it, but he pointed to examples such as attending events your in charge of for the duration of the time which will make other people see want to help out as much as possible. This could really get people to follow. I believe this was good feedback because it will help me improve as a leader in a sense that I will be more committed to my position. 

Another quality he stated that I could improve on was voicing my opinion. He stated that I had good things to say, but I often held back on them. If I could improve on my public speaking skills people would have a better understanding of who I was and what my values may be. I agreed with him on this because I believe I do have good things to say except I second guess myself sometimes when it comes to speaking up. Overall I thought this really helped me. Going into the conversation with an open mind helped let me take in his opinions and listen intently. 

1 comment:

  1. That's good that you asked someone in your fraternity seeing as you are now president! But, I completely agree with speaking up situation. I often second guess myself when I feel I should express my thoughts/opinions. This happens more often around people I don't know that well. I also have to improve on my public speaking skills because even though some feel i exude confidence; I get so nervous talking in front of large groups. Overall, I had the same experience when receiving feedback. It seems like you know what to improve on, and what you already do well. I'm sure you're going to be a great president this year!
