Monday, October 28, 2013

Create The Future

It seems more often than not that we often settle for a job we may not really want. While the job may be satisfying, its not are true passion. Why do we settle for these jobs? Maybe we are pushed by are parents to have a certain career or we see other people who come before us and aspire to be like them. Whatever it may be, it has become a norm for society. I'm not the type of person to settle for anything less. I want to do whatever I desire to do because I know that will being the most pride into my life. I think, observe and listen a lot. From what I see people are often in the wrong careers, they don't aspire to do something there passionate about and to me there is a lot wrong with that. I don't blame the individual for that, I blame our society for creating that. Everyone should have there own dreams, and go after that dream. For me I want to create a better society, a society where people find common passions and are able to bond over them, I wan't to be a social entrepreneur.

There's no secret that social media has had a huge impact on our world. Weather it be Facebook, instagram, twitter, or vine. We all get pleasure by connecting through these websites. What is it that we like so much about these sites. Is it the fact that we are able to connect with just about anyone, or keep a close eye on our family and friends, or mane if just offers a get away for individuals. It offers a new perspective on things and it's all sitting right at your finger tips. The social media world has a lot of potential and it's still relatively new. It has already revolutionized the way we communicate and connect with people and I personally believe its only the beginning. We all have the power to create and creating is a beautiful thing. To take an idea and make it into something bigger than yourself, to move that idea forward for the common good of society. To see individuals prosper and find there passion on this planet. Social media already has a huge impact on our world and it will continue to do so.

I would love to create a social media site that revolutionizes the way we communicate just how Facebook did. A lot of people don't see the potential in themselves when all they have to do is follow a dream they are passionate about. Thats what I want to create. Something that allows individuals to connect and collaborate with others on what they are truly passionate about. They are able to enter a network where they can collaborate on an individual project or bounce ideas off one another to create something that has the potential to change the world. It's a new way to connect with people, with an emphasis on how we go about business. A much more down to earth version where we are able to connect with anyone all over the network. Through this site individuals will be able to see what other projects people have collaborated on and what it took to get there. Such as what positions were held within the project. What were focus areas and what areas were difficult to advance forward.

We often hold too much information from one another. However information, knowledge and learning is power. If a site can provide continuous amounts of information while at the same time allowing one another to connect with each other it has the potential to change and revolutionize our world. Not only that it will give people the ability to find something they are truly passionate about.

1 comment:

  1. Great post, Dan! I would definitely agree that the world of social media has really changed the society we live in. People have been able to use it as a way to keep in touch with others near and far, as well as share information they want the world to know. I really like your idea about a social media website that would allow people to share information on projects they have worked on. Especially in the workforce, a type of website like this would prove to be really useful. I enjoyed how you pointed out that people often hold information from others. I think that if we shared info we have obtained about a groundbreaking subject and collaborated with others, we could really advance as a society.
