Sunday, October 13, 2013

An Ethical Delimma

The Dilemma: Aaron Craft is in your psychology class and has befriended you. The final four is coming up and he will not be able to attend class. He is extremely stressed about the midterm that is coming up and has asked if you could help him cheat. You do not want to lose his friendship but at the same time you don't want him to be stressed. After the exam the teacher approaches you and asks if Aaron cheated on the test. What do you do?

Truth vs Loyalty: Are you going to be honest to the professor or loyal to Aaron Craft. My group and I said we'd be loyal to Aaron Craft because we understand where students come from. We know that school can be very challenging and not all of us have time to complete all necessary material. Especially in this situation with Aaron being in the final your there is extra pressure on him to perform on the court.

Individual vs. Community: Are we more worried about our academic career or are we worried about Ohio State as whole? Academics always come first at Ohio State thus we need to take this very seriously. However we also love our university and would go to great lengths to see this university succeed. Personally if it came down to possibly being on probation or suspended university, I would tell the truth about Aaron Craft. All though Aaron does represent us very well, I need to first be concerned about my academic standing.

overall there are certain things that I would assist with Arron with first to make sure he can lead our team to the final four but if my academic career is in jeopardy I'd consider myself before I'd consider Aaron.


  1. Cali-Dan, great response!

    This is such a complex issue -- with the well-being of more than just yourself at stake. The University's reputation would be in jeopardy, and I think you did a good job breaking down the situation.

  2. This is a really difficult scenario and I'm honestly torn on the topic. On the one hand, I am a loyal human being and believe that we have to be good and trustworthy with one another. If the teacher asked me whether my new friend Aaron cheated, I would probably lie for him. For me, it's not a question of whether he would do it for me or not. I would be a good friend and a supportive human being and help him out. As for the second portion of your answer, I agree with you. I wouldn't risk my own grade for the sake of the university's basketball team. However, in this scenario, I technically already cheated for Aaron, so I would want to take the fall with him.

  3. This situation sucks. Obviously, if the person who asked to cheat were anybody else in any other situation, most people would opt to be honest with the professor and admit to cheating. However, since it is Aaron Craft in the Final Four and we go to OSU, ethics come into play because we love A.C. and our University (and sports).
    However, I disagree with your decision to help him cheat in the first place, simply based on an individual vs. community issue. I would 100% choose my academic career, (and not risk dismissal from the university, a failing grade, etc.), over the good of the Ohio State basketball team in the Final Four. I know its an unpopular decision, but at the end of the day I am paying for my education and not a Final Four trophy.
    But I do agree with you in saying that I would help Aaron study, work on study guides with him, etc. before the test to help him do well and lower his stress level! Especially if he was my BFF.
