Monday, September 16, 2013

Personal Statement

Think about your gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, special abilities or disabilities, age, social economic status, religion, birth order, and any other possible influences that come to mind. How have these factors influenced your personality and learning preferences?

Many of these issues influence who I am as a person weather it be my personality or learning preferences. Being a white male with a higher than average social economic status, I've been given opportunities that others wouldn't be able to afford. This has allowed me to realize that I'm very fortunate, while others may have to work harder to obtain a certain well-being of happiness, I've often been given a free pass. I believe this has a direct effect on my personality. It allows me to be grateful for what I have and the opportunities I'm capable of obtaining. Since I'm able to see this it allows me to put myself in others shoes who may not be as fortunate as I am.

It also gives me better opportunities to learn. I'm able to obtain higher education and surround myself with people who want to learn just as much as I. Since I have a well to do back rounds in gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and economic status, I tend to lean to a learning preference that is tailored to those back rounds. Since I'm given this opportunities, it puts myself in learning situation others are not capable of achieving.

Write your own personal Mission Statement. What is your purpose in life? What values are important to you? What do you want to be? What attributes and capabilities are important to you?

I want to make the people around me better. Leadership is very important to me, and I evaluate how effective my leaderships seeing others grow as a person. I have deep care for the people I'm surrounded by and those people make me who I am. I can only be an effective leader if I have the talent around me. If I don't have the necessary talent then I can't be an effective leader. It is very important for me to be honest, trustworthy, a listener, and a collaborative team player. I believe if we can all establish this values, we can lead our generation into a better world. I want to be a social entrepreneur. I don't want to be it because it's going to benefit myself but because it will benefit all other walks of life. An idea can be very powerful, and I hope to put my ideas into actions in leading a better future. By realizing your purpose you can leave the world better than you found it.

1 comment:

  1. I like how your considerate of what other people may not have access to, yet you take advantage of what you do have. Also the fact that you would like to better the people around you stuck out to me because I share the same desire.
