Friday, September 6, 2013


I'm going to focus on two people who I see as leaders, Bob Marley and Kobe Bryant. Bob Marley is one of the most influential artists to ever live, and his legend still lives on today. He sung about what he felt was right and how each individual should stick to their believes. Bob realized that each person had a mind of their own, and that if each individual stuck to their beliefs we will be better off as a society. One doesn't need to be a follower and instead should create their own path. He realized that to be a leader you should stand up for what you think is right, and should live to those values. If we are unable to put an emphasis on our own values, we are not living correctly. He believed peoples values should be put into action. You should not judge anyone and instead you should try to learn from them. Bob Marley is a leader because he had an unorthodox way of living life and had the right intentions in creating a better world. 

Ever since I can remember, I've been watching Kobe Bryant play basketball and have seen him evolve as a basketball player and as a person. He is my favorite athlete because of his sheer determination and dedication to the game . He is the greatest competitor I've ever witnessed. Kobe is able to find motivation in the smallest ways. He is 35 years old and coming off a potential career threatening achilles injured. A lot of people think he will never be as good as he once was. I know he will be just as good as he has ever been. Every time people doubt him, he's out to prove his doubters wrong. All of the qualities I mentioned make him a leader, but I measure his leadership in a different way. Kobe is a leader because he makes the people around him better. He has sustained players careers because they have played with then man. Every player who plays with him knows they have the opportunity to live out their dream which is to win a championship. The main reason he able to make others better is because he is always trying to make himself better. He is one of the hardest workers not only on the court but off as well.


  1. I did not think of Bob Marley but when you said his name I realized that he has definitely shaped my view of leadership. He was definitely a social entrepreneur in the way that he stood up for what he thought was right, he loved everyone and encouraged us to all act according to the golden rule. I try to live by those rules every day. Whenever I am stressed or down I always listen to Bob Marley and his music helps remind me of what is important in life. What a great choice!

  2. Nice Post.
    Man, you're awesome for choosing Bob Marley. I don't know how I actually feel bout Kobe Bryant, so I'm now gonna talk about him (haha). Regardless, the things Bob Marley says are very deep. Very influential person who started from nothing.

  3. I agree with you that Bob Marley is a very influential figure. He spoke with sincerity and truly believed in helping his people. He had his own beliefs and values and didn't let others tell him what to do or how to think. His music sends messages about freedom, spirituality, and believing in who you are. I think it's nice that he's a figure you look up to, he's made a big impact on history and represented his country in a good way that has made a lasting impact.
