Thursday, August 29, 2013

A little about me

It's the big ideas I have that get me excited, but it's the simple things that provide me with inspiration. The simple things such as a persons smile, improving on the relationships I have already built, gaining new friendships or the vairous elements of nature. I love nature. I like peace and solitude. Some of my favorite moments are when I'm by myself, there are no signs or sounds of cars or people, the only things I hear and see are the buzz of insects in the never ending corn fields (see picture below) or the soft crash of waves against the Pacific shoreline. Being a Sustainability major at Ohio State, I learn a lot about the environment and the importance it has on our lives. A lot of us don't realize it, but we rely more on natural capital than one could only begin to imagine. The things that motivate me our often the things we take for granite.

Ohio State is an awesome place and I couldn't ask for a better university to attend. The opportunities that this university provides are endless. One can come from any place across the world, and be able to find something that they are passionate about here. The diversity is great and it provides for an awesome learning experience inside and outside the classroom. My reason for coming to Ohio State was pretty simple. My dad was born in Columbus and attended this university, and I still have relatives in the area. With that being the main reason why I came, it was not the only reason. I knew this place would equip me for the so called "real world". (no such thing) I knew this place would allow me to grow as a person and hopefully one day, Ohio State would allow me to make a difference in the world. Making a difference in the world is what drives me to become a better person than I was yesterday.

I really do want to be a social entrepreneur. I want to make a positive impact on other peoples lives weather thats improving their quality of life through gaining their dream job or allowing them to live a stable and effective life. I'm a firm believer that everyone was born to be an entrepreneur. By becoming an entrepreneur through the ideas I have, it will allow other people to become entrepreneurs. I find a lot of motivation and determination not only through nature as I mentioned previously but through the betterment of humanity. I want to have a positive effect on other peoples lives and thankfully Ohio State is just the place to make that happen!